Marketing & Design Blog

Dream Phone board game

Target Your Clients Better with Buyer (and Boyfriend?) Personas

Growing up, I played Dream Phone more often than you did and until I was in well into high school. And then on college breaks. The point of the game, for all of you pretending to not know about it, was to figure out which boy was your secret admirer by a series of phone...
kids at bus stop

Schoolhouse Crock

As students and teachers are gearing up to head back to school, and as one of us is coming off of his 20th high school reunion, we’ve been finding ourselves reminiscing about the good old days. I don’t mean “the good old days” like our parents do when they tell us about going to watch...

Branding Lessons From One Mighty Duck

I’ve always had a knack for getting excited about projects that were way too young for me. As a junior in high school, I finally saw my opportunity to create the classic baking-soda volcano, so I took it. As a grown-ass woman, I make scrapbooks with patterned papers and themed stickers. In between those two...
hand with coin

6 Signs You Should Put Your Money Where Your Marketing Is(n’t)

You haven’t landed a new client in quite some time. Sales are dropping off. Even the mail carrier is scarcely in the building. Time to figure out what the deal is. Should you bite the bullet and invest in marketing?

Marketing Metrics That Will Knock Your Boss’s Socks Off

I once had a boss who hated when processes or even employees were described as "efficient." "Efficiency should go without saying," he would snap. He had obviously never seen me clean a kitchen, an activity that typically includes at least one snack break.

We enjoy watching people faceplant. Sue us.

Fridays at Face First Creative are designated for sloppy breakfast sandwiches, yes, but more so internal to-do lists. We dubbed these days “Face First Fridays.” Go ahead, take a minute to recover from our astonishing creativity. Face First Friday often kicks off with us Slacking each other some faceplant GIFs from GIPHY, which you know is...
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vicki the robot
SEO Strategies: 5 Ways to Help Bots Access Your Content
March 28, 2019
girl with movie clapboard
SEO Strategies: Tips for Making Sure Your Video Content Ranks
March 13, 2019
person typing in search engine box
SEO Strategies: How To Optimize Your Content for Questions
March 5, 2019

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